Rafael Gamo

Photography for architecture, landscapes, cityscapes and drone

Represented by ABOVE THE FOLD since 2013, Rafael Gamo is an award-winning architectural photographer who was educated and trained in architecture before studying at the International Center for Photography. Rafael Gamo’s robust and wide-ranging portfolio includes buildings, landscapes, aerials and interiors across a range of project typologies.

In New York City, key projects in Rafael Gamo’s portfolio include three stadiums, commercial facilities, and the public space of the United States Tennis Association (USTA) during the 2016 and 2017 U.S. Open and two MoMA PS2 YAP installations in Queens; the Amant Foundation in Brooklyn; and The Mandala Lab at the Rubin Museum of Art, two RIMOWA storefronts and interiors, and BluDot, among other projects in Manhattan.

In North America, key projects in Rafael Gamo’s robust and diverse portfolio include DL1310 Apartments, Parade Hotel, Clubhouse, Anahuacalli Museum, Speed Art Museum, Ecopark, Frost Museum, several Aesop stores, Speed Art Museum, San Blas Pier, and The Caterpillar. Internationally, key projects Rafael Gamo’s portfolio include the 2018 Serpentine Pavilion in London, UK and the BBVA Madrid HQ, in Spain.

Rafael Gamo’s work is widely published in books and magazines, including Architectural Digest, Architectural Record, Arquine, Dwell, Casabella, El Croquis, Domus, The New York Times, PLOT, and Wallpaper*.